SECAF Presents: How to Increase Sales in a Difficult Budgetary Environment - Educational Forum Delivers Strategies On Thriving In Challenging Financial Times

For immediate release
September 24, 2013
Contact: Amy Talley
(703) 323-8939
SECAF Presents: How to Increase Sales in a Difficult Budgetary Environment
Educational Briefing Delivers Strategies On Thriving In Challenging Financial Times
The Small and Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum’s (SECAF) is pleased to announce its next Educational Forum: How to Increase Sales in a Difficult Budgetary Environment.  The tightening federal budget is not news to those who work in the federal government contracting space.  However, despite this significant challenge, many contractors are still thriving.  Attendees will hear from experts regarding strategies on how companies can emerge from sequestration and constant budget battles even stronger than before.
Speakers include Michael Douglass (President of Capital Connections LLC.) and Kevin Joyce (Senior Consultant at Centre Consulting.) Douglass brings over 30 years of experience leading business operations and military units and currently helps companies of all sizes with marketing plans, market assessments, and consulting support.  Joyce has an in-depth understanding of GSA Schedules and how contractors can use vehicles to find opportunities and boost sales.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
7:30 to 10:00 am
The Tower Club 
8000 Towers Crescent Drive, #1700 
Vienna, VA 22182
For More Info:  
Attendees can register at  Media should RSVP to Amy Talley at
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About The Small and Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum
The Small and Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum (SECAF) enables the small and emerging government contractor to achieve maximum growth rates in a highly competitive marketplace. Arming members with business resources, access to influencers and government agencies, and advocacy opportunities and education, SECAF is an important resource for a growing company.  SECAF also serves the medium to large government contractors, providing invaluable introductions to specialized small businesses that enable the overall contracting community to work successfully in tandem. For more information, visit