​ACT I Awarded Over $15 Million in Defense Healthcare


ARLINGTON, VA (February 21, 2018)—Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC (ACT I), an industry-leading provider of Total Acquisition Management and Foreign Military Sales solutions, was awarded over $15 million across 10 Task Order awards under its GSA OASIS Small Business Pool 1 contract, providing the Defense Health Agency (DHA) and the Air Force Medical Operations Agency (AFMOA) with specialized support services to include program management, senior acquisition and financial support, healthcare quality improvement, surgical quality review, and patient advocate training.

“Together with our strategic partners, ACT I is pleased to deliver essential healthcare management and services to the DHA and AFMOA to advance their missions to provide a medically ready force in both peacetime and wartime,” said Mr. Michael Niggel, ACT I Chief Executive Officer.

Below are the healthcare management support services ACT I provides, in ten states including Alaska and Hawaii, to our DHA and AFMOA customers:

• DHA Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) for Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury (PH/TBI): We provide Subject Matter Expert support services to the Defense and Veteran’s Brain Injury Center (DVBIC); Subject Matter Expert and procurement support to DCoE including budget reports, exhibits, documentation, and advising on all steps of acquisition processes; and coordinate funding documents to include Procurement “With you every step of the way”  Requests, Status of Funds Reports, and Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests.
• David Grant Medical Center (DGMC) Data Analyst Services: ACT I provides data analyst support to the DHA Business Performance Plan (BPP) to streamline inpatient throughput using Composite Health Care System (CHCS), Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), Essentris, and the DOD M2 DataMart.
• AFMOA Communication, Workflow Management, and Human Resources: We provide the AFMOA Commander and Command Staff with strategic communication plans, strategic messaging, workflow management guidance and assistance, and human resource program management.
• AFMOA Healthcare Risk Management Operations: ACT I provides the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) corporate-level healthcare risk management.
• AFMOA Access Project Manager: We provide business management for 2.6 million enrolled beneficiaries throughout the AFMS. ACT I also collaborates with Headquarters Air Force (HAF), Air Force Medical Support Agency (AFMSA) and DHA in support of health care access improvement.
• AFMOA Surgical Clinical Reviewer (SCR): ACT I provides AFMOA’s SGHQ with SCR services to identify National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) qualified surgical cases, and work with assigned Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) clinical quality, safety, infection prevention, and surgical services staff to identify and act on opportunities for improvement.
• AFMOA Tele-mental Health Project Manager: We provide AFMOA Mental Health Division Support (SGHW) and manage tele-mental health with data-driven analytical products.
• AFMOA Patient Advocate Project Manager: ACT I provides training for the efficient and effective management and operation of Air Force Medical Services (AFMS) organizations and patient advocate activities.
• AFMOA Patient Facing Technology Coordinator: We provide program management in support of Trusted Care initiatives at the AFMOA home office at Port San Antonio, Texas.
• AFMS History Office (HO) Archivist and Multi-Media Support: ACT I ensures that the Air Force Surgeon General (SG) and other members of AFMS have access to the information necessary to make sound decisions on policy, doctrine, and procedure for the national defense.

About ACT I

ACT I is an ISO 9001:2015 certified small business delivering mission-critical Total Acquisition Management and Foreign Military Sales solutions to customers across the globe. We are retained by the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency, Department of Homeland Security and other Federal Agencies, and allied partners to support their most complex programs in the areas of Acquisition Strategy, Program Management, Healthcare Mission Support, Engineering, Logistics, Financial Management, Security and Cyber, Contract Negotiation Support, and Security Cooperation and Assistance services. ACT I is a prime contractor on the following GSA and DoD IDIQ contracts: OASIS Small Business Pool 1, Professional Services Schedule, and Seaport-e. For more information, visit our website at www.act-i.com and follow us on Twitter @ACT_I_LLC.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Elizabeth Palen, Corporate Communications
PHONE:  703-418-0636
WEBSITE:  www.act-i.com